
Saturday, March 14, 2015

Refreshing at Ragunan Zoo

It’s been a while since the last time I went birding especially after I become very busy with my new job as a Barista (Although I really enjoy it).
After almost one year with no birding activity I become restless because I missed my feathered friends. So, to satisfy my desire to go birding I ask my brother to go around. Lucky me, he’s already arrange the trip before I ask him.

To Ragunan Zoo we go, together with my friends we start to bird at around 8AM. At the car park my brother found a baby Radiated Rat Snake (Coelognathus radiata), after we took some pictures he decided to move the snake to the safer place, because the car park is too dangerous for him.

Radiated Rat Snake (Coelognathus radiata)
Defense Mode: On
Inside the zoo, we got more species from the small fella like Olive-backed Tailorbird to the large one like Sulphur-crested Cockatoo. What makes our trip more memorable is because of the hybrid species Cockatoos (Yellow-crested x Tanimbar / Goffin's). They're a feral species but I'm glad they survive there. At the end of the day we tick more than 25 species (Most of them are my Big Year ticks), it’s a very quick trip for us (only 4 hours) but me personally really enjoy it.
Common Myna (with Spotted Dove in the background)
Red-breasted Parakeet on Rambutan Tree
Red-breasted Parakeet feeding on Rambutan Fruit
Sleepy Cockatoo (Looks like a Goffin's Cockatoo, right?)
In this picture, it shows the yellow crest (Left), Yellow-crested Cockatoo x X Cockatoo? (Right)


  1. waw, that's female of Yellow-crested Cockatoo, right?

    1. Yes, it is Female. You can tell their sex from their iris color. :)
